Woods Seeders

Plant more, faster with hardworking Woods seeders.

Steen Enterprises proudly carries the full line of Woods seeders, including their Food Plot Seeders and Precision Super Seeders. Both easy to operate options give you the ability to plant multiple seed types in one pass, maximizing your time in the field.

Woods Food Plot Seeders

This line is a great choice for hunters and small acreage farmers planting leguminous plants. Woods food plot seeders are available in 48, 60, 72 and 84-inch models.

Three seed box choices — one cool season and two legume — can plant a variety of seeds like alfalfa, clover, corn, sorghum, soybeans, turnips and wheat, all in one pass.

This machine is designed to easily and accurately adjust seeding rates with a single lever. You can also quickly engage or disengage seed boxes independently with one lynchpin – no tools required. A simple calibration process allows for easily and accurate seed rate measurement.

Woods Precision Super Seeders

This line of seeders gives you the flexibility to handle primary seeding, overseeding, and applications such as native grasses and food plots.

Hailed as one of the most versatile seed box combinations on the market, Woods Precision Super Seeders are built with three seed box options — cool season, warm season, and legume so you can plant anything from rye and oats to grasses, wildflowers, radishes and soybeans. And, you can plant three different seeds in one pass – two at one depth and one at a deeper depth. All seed boxes can be engaged/disengaged independently with a single lynch pin — no tools required.

Woods Precision Super Seeders can be upgraded to hold accessories such as front spiked rollers, disc blades, and cast iron cultipackers.

Woods Seeders